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Posted by: Em Rohrer 1 year ago

We’ve all been there. That awkward moment after you’ve bought something or eaten at a restaurant and then you’re asked to complete a survey or leave a review. Why does it feel so awkward?

Most of the time it’s because the person asking for feedback is uncomfortable doing so. Instead of the request coming across as a genuine, conversational request, it seems forced and stilted.

Asking for a review at the wrong time or in the wrong way can turn a customer’s positive experience into a negative one, so it’s important to have a plan and practice.

Keep It Casual

Did you know that 7 out of 10 customers will leave a review if they’re asked? We like those odds!

If your business has a physical location like a store or restaurant, it’s usually pretty easy to see if your customers are having a positive experience. The easiest way to ask happy customers to leave you positive feedback is to incorporate it into the “checkout” process (i.e. when they pay their bill).

Script #1: Asking For A Review In Person

Employee: Thank you for shopping with us today, did you find everything you were looking for?

Customer: I did, thank you.

Employee: Great! If you enjoyed shopping with us, would you consider leaving us a review online? It really helps our business grow and makes it easier for new customers to find us. Just search for us on Google, Facebook, or Yelp, and let us know what you think.

It’s that easy. Just a few casual sentences and you’re on your way to boosting your reputation online.

Not every person will follow up and remember to leave a review, and that’s fine. But you want to get your employees comfortable asking for feedback and your chances of getting a positive review go up every time your staff remembers to ask.

Make It Easy By Using Email

Script #2: Asking For A Review In An Email

If your business has an email list, then you’re sitting on a potential goldmine for improving your online reputation. Have you ever emailed your client list asking for their feedback? It’s a simple way to improve your reputation and also check in with your customers.

Below is a basic email template your business can use to ask your current clients to leave you an online review.

Subject Line: We appreciate your business!

Dear [Customer Name],
Thank you for supporting [Business Name]. We value your support and are always interested in hearing what our customers think of us!

So, how did we do? 

Please take a moment to let us know by clicking the link below. We use feedback from customers like you to help improve our business and make sure we continue to exceed your expectations.

Just click here to go right to our favorite online review site!
[Insert Link To Reviews Page]

Use Your Social Media Channels

Facebook reviews are only growing in popularity and users can now see how many reviews you have as well as your star ranking (1-5) when they search on Google. 

If you have a page for your business on Facebook (and you should!), make sure your “Reviews Tab” is both visible and activated.

How To Ask For A Review On Facebook

Asking for a review on Facebook needs to sound different than the way you would ask a customer in person or in an email. Facebook reviews are all about social proof and making sure your company seems genuine to your audience.

Post a weekly reminder to your page for people to check in on Facebook when they visit your business. They’ll automatically get a reminder in 1-2 days from Facebook asking to leave your business a review.

Once you get a positive review on Facebook respond by commenting and thanking the reviewer.

Add a “call to action” to your company’s emails and on your website with a simple button asking customers to “Click Here To Review Us On Facebook”.

If they’ve had a good experience at your business, most people will want to talk about it. All you have to do is give them an easy opportunity to do so.

If you’re not sure where to start and want to improve your business’s online reputation, give 1Eighty Digital a call so we can help!

Originally published In October 2019, this blog post has been updated to include the latest information and most relevant statistics.

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