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Posted by: Grace May 4 months ago

Want to improve your online presence but not sure how to approach it? Both search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing are a crucial part of a successful online presence.

With that being said, there are a variety of ways both content marketing and SEO work well together to create content your potential new customers and existing customers will want to see and interact with.

SEO And Content Marketing

So, what are SEO and content marketing?

Simply put, SEO is the way people find your website. It includes all the efforts that go into getting your website to show up at the top of users’ Google searches.

Content marketing is the process of publishing content that attempts to educate, attract, and retain an audience. It should be less about your company, and more about adding value to your customers and building their trust while establishing yourself as an expert in your field.

Although these are two seemingly different approaches to attracting potential customers to your website or social media accounts, they actually work well together and should be combined to create content your customers will interact with.

Keyword Research

One of the most important things in both SEO and content marketing is using specific keywords. When improving your SEO, keyword research is a big deal.

However, that’s only the first step. Once you choose the right words, you need somewhere to implement them. This is where content marketing comes in.

You can use your chosen keywords in everything from blog posts and advertisements to social media posts and photo captions.

Improving Visibility

Creating SEO-driven content will boost your brand’s reach. It’s important to figure out what your target audience wants to see, what problems they’re trying to solve, or which keywords they could be searching for. 

You can then create content for your website and social media based on that information.

People may not be searching for your brand directly, but they could find your services through your content marketing efforts if your company shows up in their Google search results based on their search terms.


Gaining backlinks is one of the best ways to improve not only your website’s credibility but also your website’s traffic and search ranking position. To increase your chances of getting other companies to link to your website, it’s important to create high-quality content that is useful to your audience. 

If your content is only focused on your company and the services you provide, no other companies will find it helpful. Creating content that uses SEO and content marketing strategies greatly increases your chances of getting backlinks because it takes the wants and needs of your entire audience into account.

Creating Evergreen Content

A great way to optimize your website is to create evergreen content. This is content that is always applicable; it will never be “out of style”. Considering SEO is crucial when choosing what evergreen content to publish. 

It’s important to consider what your audience will read and then use that information to decide how to attract website traffic. Once an SEO strategy is in place, content marketing can be used to create useful content that people can reference and use for years to come. 

Improving Your Online Reputation

Customer reviews are a big help when it comes to having high search engine rankings for your website.

Positive reviews are crucial because even if you have good rankings and SEO practices, if you have a negative brand perception, Google will not trust your website and may prioritize your competitors with better reviews in search results. 

To improve your rankings and concurrently your SEO, high-quality content marketing is essential. This starts with creating useful content and making your website easy to navigate.

If people don’t find your website helpful and easy to use, they are more likely to leave a negative review.

Ready To Bring Your Content To Life?

1Eighty Digital is here to help! Our content marketing and SEO experts are ready to help you share your ideas like never before while attracting your ideal audience.

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